Rep. Bobby Sanchez

January 8, 2013


State Rep. Bobby Sanchez has been appointed Assistant Majority Leader and Vice Chair of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee by Democratic leaders, Speaker of the House-designate Brendan Sharkey (D-Hamden) and Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz (D-Berlin).

"Rep. Sanchez has demonstrated the capacity and skills to take on these prominent positions," Rep. Sharkey said. "I look forward to working with Bobby throughout the legislative session on a number of issues that will help improve the quality of life here in Connecticut."

Sanchez, who was elected to his second term in November, will be sworn into office on January 9th along with the entire membership of the General Assembly at the State Capitol in Hartford during the opening day ceremony of the 2013 session.

"I am honored to have been appointed to these new roles as I begin my second term in the General Assembly," Rep. Sanchez said. "I look forward to continuing to serve my constituents and working with my colleagues in the upcoming session."

Rep. Sanchez will also serve on the Higher Education and Employment Advancement as well as the Education Committees.

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