Rep. Bobby Sanchez

February 26, 2014


Hartford, Conn. – Rep. Bobby Sanchez lauded the launching a new Spanish Access Health CT website targeting the Latino population. Open enrollment continues until March 31, 2014 and in-person assistance is still available at the AHCT enrollment centers in New Britain and other locations across the state. A list of upcoming enrollment fairs and a link to locate an in-person assister are available at

“A significant portion of Connecticut’s uninsured population does not speak English as their first language, so we’ve put a lot of effort into our multilingual marketing and outreach plan,” said Kevin Counihan, CEO of Access Health CT. “It’s important that we’re able to communicate with consumers in a language they feel comfortable with. This first launch of the Spanish website is not yet perfect, but we’re proud to be among the few states working toward providing a full Spanish-language site.”

The vast majority of the site has been recreated in Spanish, with the exception of the plan names, the Detailed Plan Documents and the “Learn More” section.  Access Health CT is working with the health care providers offering plans on the Exchange to provide all information in Spanish.

To access the Access Health CT website in Spanish, visit and click “Español” on the top right corner.

In addition to offering information online in Spanish, Access Health CT also offers multilingual assistance through its call center and in-person outreach team. Call center representatives speak 15 different languages and through translators can provide assistance in 100 languages. Navigators and Assisters can provide in-person assistance in over 30 different languages. AHCT will also be a title sponsor of the Latino Expo in Hartford on March 8 and 9 where residents can enroll in health care coverage with a certified staff member during the two-day enrollment fair.

Open enrollment continues until March 31, 2014. Consumers can continue to compare plans and shop for coverage online at or call 1-855-805-HEALTH (4325) to speak with an AHCT representative. In-person assistance is also available at the AHCT enrollment centers in New Britain and New Haven and from community-based Navigators, Assisters, Brokers and Certified Application Counselors throughout the state. A list of upcoming enrollment fairs and a link to locate an in-person assister are available at

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Hartford, CT 06106-1591
(860) 240-8585 | 1-800-842-8267