Rep. Bobby Sanchez

September 18, 2014


State Representative Bobby Sanchez joined the National Head Start Association, along with its state affiliates, including Human Resources Agency (HRA), of New Britain, as they kicked off their 50th Anniversary with a "Red, White and Blue" celebration in the city.

Sanchez, who is an original Head Start child, was recognized by the association during the first of various local events planned throughout the state.

“I am honored to speak on behalf of Head Start programs and the impact it has on children at an early age,” Rep. Sanchez said. “Several years ago, I was part of the local Head Start program. Today, I am glad to serve in the legislature where I can help support this outstanding organization that serves many children across the state.”

Since 1965, more than 31 million children have benefited from Head Start's comprehensive services. The group plans to hold events throughout the state, where local Head Start success stories will be shared.

Rep. Sanchez said, “I commend Head Start for their work, and congratulate them on their gold anniversary.  Programs like this one are proof that investing in our children’s future is well worth it.”
Currently, there are 28 Early Head Start and Head Start programs in Connecticut, a number of which provide both Head Start and Early Head Start services.

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