Jonathan Steinberg

Serving the 136th Assembly District

Legislative Office Building, Room 4032
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Dear Neighbor:
This past legislative session was one of the most challenging in recent memory. We were still negotiating the state budget right up to our constitutional deadline.
As I did four years ago, I felt compelled to vote against the proposed budget, going against the majority of my fellow Democrats. I thought the initial budget proposed by the Governor was much worse, indiscriminately cutting critical social and health programs leaving the state’s most vulnerable with nowhere to turn. Both Democrats and Republicans resolved to restore some of the most draconian cuts. But the resulting budget was balanced by the addition of new taxes and increases on existing ones.
I led a group of moderates within the House Democratic Caucus in bringing our concerns to leadership. We were successful in getting some of the new business service taxes removed. But the new and increased income tax remained, with a disproportionate impact on my district here in Westport. As compared to most municipalities, Westport gets very little from state government and I simply couldn’t support a budget that had such a negative impact on my constituents.
The budget debate dominated the session’s agenda, to the point that some important bills never were brought to a vote. But there were a good number of other bills which did pass, as you will see from this session recap.
I look forward to the day when Connecticut’s economy is once again vibrant and every citizen has the opportunity for a better future. That’s what I strive to achieve, as your state representative.