Larry B. Butler

Serving the 72nd Assembly District


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Legislative Office Building, Room 5001
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267

City of Waterbury
Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Aid

Education Cost Sharing $132,732,623
Priority School Districts $3,430,081
PILOT: State Owned Property $4,494,191
PILOT: Colleges & Hospitals $5,868,909
Pequot/Mohegan Revenue Sharing $3,058,576
School Transportation $1,397,623
Local Capital Improvement Program $1,228,228
Town Aid Roads $1,083,548
Adult Education $2,308,474
MRSA Payments $3,041,051
Total State Funds to Waterbury $158,643,304

Youth Violence Prevention Grants

River-Memorial Foundation, Inc. $60,300
Hispanic Coalition of Greater Waterbury, Inc. $60,300
Police Activity League, Inc. for Berkley Rec. Center $60,300
Willow Plaza Center $60,300
Boys and Girls Club of Greater Waterbury $60,300
W.O.W. NRZ Learning Center $60,300
Total State Funds to Waterbury $361,800