Patricia Dillon

Serving the 92nd Assembly District

New Haven

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Legislative Office Building, Room 4019
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267

Dear friends and neighbors,

The legislature was very ambitious - and successful - on policy measures this year.

I now serve on Appropriations, Judiciary, Higher Education, and the Environment committees. My work and interests remain as diverse as our community, though some New Haven issues affect everyone, like PILOT. We did make progress restructuring PILOT payments in 2017, but much of our effort involved protecting what we have, so the budget was a modest success.

Although optimistic about our future, we face state budget challenges. Casino revenues have plummeted with changing habits and competition. Further, in a global economy, slowing growth abroad affects Connecticut companies and income tax receipts.

In recent years efforts at reform, especially of sentencing, ended in stalemate. This year, reform efforts were successful. Solving problems takes teamwork with the community and local officials, and our community has the talent and drive to do that.

Thank you for your support and confidence.
