Toni Walker

Serving the 93rd Assembly District

Legislative Office Building, Room 2702
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Fiscal Year 2014-2015 State Aid
Education Cost Sharing | $154,577,620 |
Priority School Districts | $6,900,000 |
PILOT: State Owned Property | $6,872,702 |
PILOT: Colleges & Hospitals | $42,472,028 |
Pequot/Mohegan Revenue Sharing | $6,414,427 |
School Transportation | $2,438,926 |
Local Capital Improvement Program | $1,790,889 |
Town Aid Roads | $1,244,746 |
Adult Education | $2,908,615 |
DECD Tax Abatement and MRSA Payments | $2,394,190 |
Total State Funds to New Haven | $228,014,143 |